

SJB Music Ministry

Join Us! Call (847) 966-8145 or send an email.

The SJB Music Ministry welcomes all with a love of music and liturgy. Music Ministry members support and strengthen the assembly in its role as the principal choir of the parish.

If you are interested in learning more about our Music Ministry program please contact our parish office at (847) 966-8145 or send an email to office@sjbrebeuf.org.

Children's Choir

  • Tuesdays 2:00 - 3:00 PM GLORIA Choir (Grades 3-4) meets in the School
  • Tuesdays 5:00 - 6:00 PM LAUDATE Choir (Grades 5-8 and RE Students) meets in the Church Music Rehearsal Room.

The Children's Choirs, guided by Ms. Ewa Kowcz Fair, are given the opportunity to assist once each

month at the 10:00 AM Sunday Family Mass and weekly at the School Mass, including as cantors.


Throughout the year the SJB Children's Choir is invited to perform at special events and even at choral

festivals. Members are expected to participate for the full school year. (September – May) Click here for

details. Parents are welcome to assist at rehearsal and before and after Mass.

Hand Bell Choir

  • A multi-generational group of instrumentalists offers their music at the 10:00 AM Family Mass.
  • Music reading skills are especially helpful and taught in rehearsal. (September – May)

Teen Choir

Open to all teens.

Teens sing at evening Masses, once each month, alternating 5:00 PM Saturday and 6:00 PM Sunday.

Instrumentalists are most welcome. (September – May)

Seasonal Membership

We’d love to have you join us for the entire season, but if that isn't possible, consider participating for a portion of the season, perhaps just for Advent-Christmas, Lent, Holy Week, the Easter Season, perhaps for sacramental celebrations such as Confirmation or other special occasions.

The Ministry of Cantor

Cantors are entrusted with singing the psalm and other parts of the Mass and bolster the assembly’s song when needed. Cantors are selected by friendly audition. Membership in one of the choirs is a good way to receive the training that can prepare one to be a cantor. Cantors are scheduled to sing as they are personally available and additionally are needed for Holy Days, Weddings, and Funeral Masses to assist the assembly with its sung and spoken responses throughout the year. 


Add a special touch and enhance our worship at SJB through solo or ensemble instrumental music. Individuals (high school age or older) who play band or orchestra instruments are welcome to share their gifts with our parish community. Assist at liturgy as often as you like!

Music Librarians

Help us stay organized! The role of a Music Librarian may be for you, while no singing or instrumental playing is required. Help us keep the library open to all music groups. Call (847) 966-8145 or email today!

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